Combell wins WinMag Pro’s “MKB Best Choice 2015” award

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Again good news for Combell. After winning the Smart Business Awards 2015 last year, we now are rewarded with an “MKB Best Choice 2015” award, which is awarded by the Dutch magazine WinMagPro.
The constant aim for quality, innovation & a 24/7 personal approach seems to be a success formula.
Advice for SMEs
Small and medium-sized enterprises – also known as SMEs or MKB in the Netherlands – form a category that is sometimes overlooked. Too small to be taken into consideration by large ICT service providers, they need, more than any other company, tailored products and services. Various magazines try to advise them in this context so that they can make the right choices.
Among them is the Dutch magazine WinMagPro, which is available in both print and digital format. The magazine has set a target to inform and advise advanced computer users and professionals on recent ICT developments and solutions.
MKB Proof and MKB Best Choice awards
That advice is based on independent trials conducted by the magazine itself. MKB Proof awards are awarded for products and services that represent safe and/or sound investments in ICT for SMEs. In the past, these awards were presented in categories such as backup services, licence management, security, etc.
As for the MKB Best Choice awards, they are the acme of these services approved for SMEs. And, last week, Combell won one of these prestigious awards. WinMagPro had actually scrupulously examined some of Combell’s hosting packages, after the hosting provider from Ghent gave it temporary logins so that it could test the packages in an independent manner.
According to the article reporting that Combell won the MKB Best Choice award, the main reason why Combell received this award is “the various packages that allow to create a website, no matter what website you have in mind”. And the fact that “each package clearly sets out what it offers” has also been acclaimed by WinMag Pro. Apparently, this is something “other providers should take a lesson from”.
This award is a great recognition for the entire Combell team. The constant innovation in combination with our personal approach seems to be a success formula.
Congratulations, team!